Jonathan Ames: Sexual Metamorphosis, 2005.

Anthologie mit Auszügen aus 15 trans* Autobiographien.

Jonathan Ames: Sexual Metamorphosis, 2005.

Daten zum Buch

Autor: Jonathan Ames. Titel: Sexual Metamorphosis. Untertitel: An Anthology of Transsexual Memoirs. Verlag: Vintage, New York. Erscheinungsjahr: 2005. ISBN: 978-1-4000-3014-9. Bindung: Taschenbuch, 319 Seiten. Preis: ca. 15 €.



But who could describe my fright when, on the next morning, I awoke and found myself feeling as if completely changed into a woman. — Case 129, Autobiography, from Psychopathia Sexualis, a Medico-Forensic Study by Richard Von Krafft-Ebing

At the time the passage above was written, people who felt trapped in the wrong gender automatically became case-studies. Today they become the men and women they always felt they were. Transsexuals test our notions of what it is to be male or female and, more provocatively, what it means to be one self as opposed to another. “Their stories,” says Jonathan Ames, “hold the appeal of an adventurer’s tale.”

In Sexual Metamorphosis, Ames presents the personal narratives of sixteen gender pioneers. Here is Christine Jorgensen, the first celebrity transsexual, greeting thousands of well-wishers from the stage of Madison Square Garden. Here is Caroline Cossey, former model and Bond (as in James) girl, being outed in the tabloid press. Here is novelist and English professor Jennifer Finney Boylan discussing her impending transformation with her heartbroken spouse and supportive yet confused colleagues. The result is a fascinating and compulsively readable book, filled with anguish, introspection, and courage.


  • Introduction
  • Psychopathia Sexualis (Richard von Krafft-Ebing)
  • Man Into Woman (Lili Elbe, ed. Niels Hoyer)
  • The Transsexual Phenomenon (Harry Benjamin, M.D.)
  • Christine Jorgensen: A Personal Autobiography (Christine Jorgensen)
  • Conundrum (Jan Morris)
  • Emergence (Mario Martiono with harriet)
  • Second Serve (Renée Richards, M.D.)
  • My Story (Caroline Cossey)
  • Body Alchemy (Loren Cameron)
  • Dear Sir or Madam (Mark Rees)
  • Crossing (Deirdre McCloskey)
  • The Woman I Was Not Born to Be (Aleshia Brevard)
  • Mark (Calpernia Sara Addams)
  • Wrapped in Blue (Donna Rose)
  • She’s Not There (Jennifer Finney Boylan)

Weitere Informationen

Themen: Transsexualität

Genre: (Auto-)Biographie und Englisch

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