Ein Überblick über alle möglichen Varianten von queerer Existenz.

Daten zum Buch
Autorin: Vanessa Baird. Titel: The No-Nonsense Guide to Sexual Diversity. Verlag: New Internationalist, Oxford, UK. Erscheinungsjahr: 2nd Edition 2007. ISBN: 978-1-904456-64-3. Bindung: Taschenbuch, 159 Seiten. Preis: k.A.
The world is changing and especially so for sexual minorities – for bisexual, gays and transgender people. In some countries hard-won battles for equality are bearing fruit in non-discrimination legislation. In others, being gay incurs the death penalty.
This No-Nonsense Guide demystifies the colors of the sexual rainbow, and reveals the hidden histories of LGBT people, cross-dressers, and eunuchs across the world and through time. It traces the often strange search for the scientific „source“ of homosexuality; the history of homophobia; the role that religion has played and the politics of sexual control.
In addition to finding out about the rich, diverse reality you can keep up with the laws that affect sexual minorities with the unique, country-by-country, global survey.
Stimmen zum Buch
„Lively and compelling, this edition with much new material, reflects the dramatic nature of the transformations taking place in an ever more globalized world. The book is both a historical and cross-cultural account and an intervention in contemporary debates. Jeffrey Weeks, Professor of Sociology, South Bank University, U.K.
„What a wonderful book! [It] offers a remkably comprehensive, albeit whirlwind, tour of sex beyond heterosexuality and gender beyond male and female.“ Diva, London
Weitere Informationen
Genre: Englisch und Sachbuch mit Erwähnung