Zu seiner Zeit einer der besten Ratgeber zu Transsexualität, leider nur auf Englisch.

Daten zum Buch
Autoren: Mildred L. Brown, Chloe Ann Rounsley. Titel: True Selves. Untertitel: Understanding Transsexualism—For Families, Friends, Coworkers, and Helping Professionals. Verlag: Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint, San Francisco, California, United States. Erscheinungsjahr: 2003. ISBN: 0787967025. Bindung: Taschenbuch, 264 Seiten. Preis: ca. 33 €.
Cover Text
Filled with wisdom and understanding, True Selves paints a vivid portrait of conflicts transsexuals face on a daily basis–and the courage they must summon as they struggle to reveal their true being to themselves and others. This classic resource offers valuable guidance for those who are struggling to understand these people and their situations. Using real life stories, actual letters, and other compelling examples, True Selves gives a clear understanding of what it means to be transsexual and offers practical suggestions for dealing compassionately with these commonly misunderstood individuals.
Book Reviews
»True Selves is thorough and comprehensive. … This is a serious and important book. If you know a transsexual, care about a transsexual, or are interested inunderstanding transsexuality, True Selves should be on your reading list.«
The Transsexual New Telegraph
»The best popular introduction to transsexualism for all involved— transsexuals, soffas (significant others, family, friends, allies), and the professionals working with and serving them— is True Selves.«
The Independent Press Book Review
»First-person accounts from transsexuals augment general readabilityand put human faces on the issues discussed.«
»Each chapter poses questions and confronts common misconceptions about transgendered people and offers recommendations to caregivers and family. … presented in a simple, straightforward style and is easy to understand.«
Gender Identity Journal
»With real life stories, letters, poems, and more, this is a first coming-out collection for the TS community.«
Feminist Bookstore News
»Dieses ist der wahrscheinlich beste Ratgeber, den ich zu Fragen der Transsexualität kenne. Er behandelt systematisch und gut verständlich den aktuellen Wissenstand zum Thema, beginnend mit Begriffserläuterungen über Ausprägungen in der Kindheit und Jugendzeit bis hin zur Transition und den damit verbundenen Problemen in der Familie und am Arbeitsplatz. Die Autorinnen zeigen viel Einfühlungsvermögen für die Betroffenen, haben große Sympathien für sie und finden meist den richtigen Ton, bagatellisieren aber keine Probleme. Das Buch hätte eine deutschsprachige Übersetzung verdient.« Anne
About the Authors
Mildred L. Brown is a clinical sexologist and therapist in private practice in San Jose, California. She is also professor of clinical sexology at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco.
Chloe Ann Rounsley is a writer, journalist, and editorial consultant based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Table of Contents (extract)
Introduction: A Question of Gender
- The Transsexual Dilemma
- The Childhood Years
- The Teen Years
- The Adult Years
- Therapy
- Beginning the Transition
- Transition and the Workplace
- Bringing the News Home
- Medical and Surgical Options
- Guidelines for Support
- In Their Own Words
Resource Guide
Selected Bibliography
The Authors
Weitere Informationen
Themen: Transsexualität
Genre: Englisch und Ratgeber & Sachbuch