Reprinted autobiography from the trans woman who became famous in the Fifties.

Daten zum Buch
Autorin: Christine Jorgensen. Titel: A Personal Autobiography. Verlag: Cleis Press, San Francisco, California, United States. Erscheinungsjahr: 2000 (Reprint von 1967). ISBN: 1573441007. Bindung: Taschenbuch, 310 Seiten. Ehemaliger Preis: $ 14,95.
Cover Text
On December 1, 1952, readers of the New York Daily News were greeted with a banner headline: EX-GI BECOMES BLONDE BEAUTY: OPERATIONS TRANSFORM BRONX YOUTH. In the ensuing 18 months, more than half a million words about Christine Jorgensen rolled off the world’s presses. In her own personable style, Jorgensen offers an intimate account of her groundbreaking life as the first world-renowned transsexual. »Nature made a mistake,« she writes, »which I have corrected.«
An entertainer who played clubs from Las Vegas to Havana, Jorgensen was both »banned« in Boston and named »Woman of the Year« in New York City. She hobnobbed with many of the celebrities of the day, including Judy Garland, Tennessee Williams, Natalie Wood, and Truman Capote.
»Fate placed Christine Jorgensen in the limelight, but her own talent and charisma kept her there. She threw herself heart and soul into playing the part of the world’s first famous transsexual: educating and entertaining, being gracious and glamorous, striving for the respect that every individual should be given as a birthright. Given a very narrow path to walk it with style. This act of simple dignity is her enduring achievement and greatest legacy.«
Susan Stryker, from the Introduction.
Weitere Informationen
Themen: Transfrauen und Transsexualität
Genre: (Auto-)Biographie und Englisch